About me

Hi, I'm Adam and I'm a software engineer. I love being creative and I like to express myself through design, code and writing. Software engineering allows me to blend engineering with design and build useful things for people. Simply, I just love making stuff and that shapes my decisions.

I found my passion in 2015 when I was in the second year of my studies at Prague University of Business and Economics. That year I was introduced to HTML, CSS & JavaScript and I immediately fell in love.

Since than I've been helping companies and clients in the online world — designing, creating websites and applications as well as building long-lasting relationships.


  • 1995: born in Czech Republic
  • 2014: started studying at university, moved to Prague
  • 2015: started learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, first projects and clients
  • 2018: got a job at 🐨 Koala42
  • 2020: graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business, got a new job at PwC
  • 2021: left Czech Republic, moved to Vancouver, Canada, started studying at BCIT
  • 2022: graduated from the BCIT, Canada


Minimal list of things I currently use. Updated April 21, 2023

